
NBSE Class 10 Video Lesson

Chapter No.Chapter NameLink to Topic
1Chemical Reactions and EquationsWriting Balanced Chemical Reactions
1Chemical Reactions and EquationsTypes of Chemical reactions : Combination
1Chemical Reactions and EquationsTypes of Chemical reactions : Decomposition
1Chemical Reactions and EquationsTypes of Chemical reactions : Displacement and Double Displacement
1Chemical Reactions and EquationsTypes of Chemical reactions : Oxidation-Reduction
2Acids Bases and SaltsChemical Properties of Acids and Bases
2Acids Bases and SaltsReactions of Acids and Bases
2Acids Bases and SaltsCommonalities of Acids and Bases
2Acids Bases and SaltspH
2Acids Bases and SaltsSalts
3Metals and Non-MetalsPhysical properties of metals and non-metals
3Metals and Non-MetalsChemical Properties of Metals
3Metals and Non-MetalsChemical Properties of Non-Metals
3Metals and Non-MetalsExtraction of Metals
3Metals and Non-MetalsCorrosion and Its Prevention
4Carbon and It's CompoundsBonding in Carbon and it's Versatility
4Carbon and It's CompoundsSaturated and Unsaturated Carbon Compounds
4Carbon and It's CompoundsHomologous Series and Nomenclature of Carbon Compounds
4Carbon and It's CompoundsChemical Reactions of Carbon Compounds
4Carbon and It's CompoundsEthanol and Ethanoic Acid
5Periodic Classification of ElementsEarly attempts at Classification of Elements
5Periodic Classification of ElementsMendeleev's Periodic Table
5Periodic Classification of ElementsModern Periodic Table : Position of Elements
5Periodic Classification of ElementsModern Periodic table : Trends
6Life ProcessesNutrition
6Life ProcessesRespiration
6Life ProcessesTransportation
6Life ProcessesExcretion
7Control and CoordinationControl and Coordination in Plants
7Control and CoordinationNervous Control
7Control and CoordinationEndocrine Control
8How do Ogarnisms Reproduce ?Basics of Reproduction : difference between Asexual and Sexual reproduction
8How do Ogarnisms Reproduce ?Types of Asexual Reproduction
8How do Ogarnisms Reproduce ?Sexual Reproduction in plants
8How do Ogarnisms Reproduce ?SexualReproduction In Animals
8How do Ogarnisms Reproduce ?Menstruation and reproductive health
9Heredity and evolutionBasics of Heredity
9Heredity and evolutionMendelian Monohybrid Cross
9Heredity and evolutionMendelian Dihybrid Cross
9Heredity and evolutionSex Determination
9Heredity and evolutionBasics of Evolution : Aquired vs Inherited Traits
9Heredity and evolutionNatural Selection and Genetic Drift
9Heredity and evolutionSpeciation
9Heredity and evolutionEvidences of evolution
10Light : Reflecton and RefractionReflection : Convex mirror-Part1
10Light : Reflecton and RefractionReflection : Concave mirror-Part2
10Light : Reflecton and RefractionReflection : Mirror Formula
10Light : Reflecton and RefractionRefraction : Glass Slab
10Light : Reflecton and RefractionRefraction Concave Lens
10Light : Reflecton and RefractionRefraction : Convex lens
10Light : Reflecton and RefractionRefraction : Lens Formula and Power of a lens
11Human Eye and the Colourful WorldStructure of the eye
11Human Eye and the Colourful WorldDefects of Vision and their correction
11Human Eye and the Colourful WorldDispersion and Scattering
12ElectricityCurrent and Circuit
12ElectricityPotential and Potential difference
12ElectricityOhm's Law
12ElectricityResistance : Factors and Cases
12ElectricityHeating effect of Electric Current
12ElectricityElectric Power
13Magnetic effects of Electric CurrentMagnetic field and field Lines
13Magnetic effects of Electric CurrentMagnetic field through a current carrying conductor : Straight line
13Magnetic effects of Electric CurrentMagnetic field through a current carrying conductor : Circular loop
13Magnetic effects of Electric CurrentFleming's left hand rule
13Magnetic effects of Electric CurrentElectric Motor
13Magnetic effects of Electric CurrentElectromagnetic Induction
13Magnetic effects of Electric CurrentElectric generator

NBSE Class 10 Downloadable Notes

1Chemical Reactions & EquationsRevision Notes
2Acids, Bases and SaltsRevision Notes
3Metals & Non-MetalsRevision Notes
4Carbon and its CompoundsRevision Notes
5Periodic classificationRevision Notes
6Life ProcessesRevision Notes
7Control and CoordinationRevision Notes
8How do Organisms Reproduce?Revision Notes
9Heredity & EvolutionRevision Notes
10Light-Reflection & RefractionRevision Notes
11Human Eye and Colorful WorldRevision Notes
12ElectricityRevision Notes
13Magnetic Effects of Electric CurrentRevision Notes